Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Let go and let God

The recipient couple has really been on my heart this week.  I'm trying to imagine their feelings of excitement, nervousness, they prepare for this next step in their lives. 

In high school, we had an assignment to "parent" an egg for a week.  If you kept the egg "alive", you passed.  It took lots of gentle care, steady hands and patience.  You became very protective of your egg, just as the mother chicken would. 

My mothering instincts have kicked in with this batch of eggs as well, but in a different sense.  I'm not protecting this egg for myself, but for a sister in motherhood.  I'm very aware of the dosage of my shots, the timing of them, the food I'm eating, the rest I'm getting and the stress on my body. 

But though I will do everything I can, ultimately it's not in my hands, it's in His.  God knows exactly what will happen in this process; He's had it planned for a long, long time.  I trust that He will do all things for our good and will be by our side every step of the way.  That brings me peace, and I hope it brings peace to the recipient couple as well. 

Father God,
Thank You for Your guidance and protection.  I know You have great plans for this couple.  Thank You for using me to be a part of that.  Please watch over them and bring them peace as they anticipate this next step in their journey.  Amen.

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